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Einfache und transparente Preise:
The aiio way.

So günstig, dass jeder mitmachen kann. Alle wichtigen Funktionen, ohne unnötigen Schnickschnack. Das ist die Philosophie von aiio.

Our license types - The right one for everyone


Viewers can see the most important information directly in aiio. If required, viewers can also interact with it in the form of comments, for example.


Contributors can model processes on demand and enrich them with meta information and documents.


Managers have access to all content-based features and are tasked with distributing and editing all content.

Wähle und tausche Lizenzen nach Bedarf. Alle Lizenzen können flexibel monatlich nachbestellt oder gekündigt werden.

Price and feature table - Who can do what?

Das Angebot auf dieser Webseite richtet sich ausschließlich an Unternehmen.





You save about 10% if you pay annually.


per month for annual payment or 1,00€* for monthly payment


per month for annual payment or 7,70€* for monthly payment


per month for annual payment or 14,30€* for monthly payment

My Dashboard
Organisational chart
My tasks
Team notifications
Release of workflows
Process recording
Graphical process modelling
Document link





You save about 10% if you pay annually.


per month for annual payment or 1,00€* for monthly payment


per month for annual payment or 7,70€* for monthly payment


per month for annual payment or 14,30€* for monthly payment

My Dashboard
View processes
View organization chart
View Resources & Locations
View management systems
Comment processes
Report problems
Filter content
Receive tasks
Receive notifications
Use Teams App
Approve processes
Record processes
Link documents
Create & edit processes
Create process maps
Edit organization chart
Edit management systems
Edit Resources & Locations
Create & assign tasks

In addition, at least one administrator license is required at a price of €19.90* (€22.10* for monthly payment). As an administrator, licenses can be assigned to other employees and various global IT infrastructure integrations can be set.

*plus 19% VAT.

aiio enterprise solutions leave nothing to be desired. Our sales team will be happy to help you.
Personal support desired?

Become a process expert with our training offer

Need help with implementation, modeling, or enterprise scalability? Our service team can help!

We offer individualized training (on-site if needed). Alternatively, we already explain many use cases in our video tutorials, which are available for free at any time.

Frequently asked questions

Can aiio be cancelled on a monthly basis?

aiio can be paid monthly or annually. In the case of monthly payment, notice of termination can be given each month with effect from the following month.

Is aiio future-proof?

There are already big plans to expand aiio into the most comprehensive crowd mining platform. In addition, aiio is backed by an experienced team with over 20 years of experience in the software development market, which continues to be keen on new innovations. In short: yes.

Is aiio easy to learn?

aiio is directly integrated into the Microsoft 365 environment and therefore feels just like a genuine Microsoft product when used. The adaptation to aiio will therefore be very easy for users who already have experience in the Microsoft suite.

Can I install aiio on my own?

As a web application, aiio does not need to be installed and works immediately in the browser after registration. However, for more far-reaching company-specific adaptations, the help of our development team is needed.

Can I book training for my employees?

Yes, if required, we also offer training courses in which a team of our aiio experts explains all the finer points in an online or, on request, on-site workshop.

Is there reliable customer support

Our team is always ready to answer and solve questions and problems of any kind. In addition, we will build an online learning platform with a lot of help material explaining many aspects of using aiio in an understandable way. More information will follow shortly.

Where is my data hosted?

We host your data in the high performance and very secure Azure Cloud from Microsoft. We use the region "Europe, West". You can find more information here:

Are there any questions left open?

We will be glad to help you with all questions about different licenses, function and prices