Become process experts with the aiio training offer!
To support our free learning offer, we have created a premium offer with aiio Services. Your open questions will be clarified in different online trainings.

Introductory training
We offer a three-hour online training session so that your users can familiarize themselves with the most important functions. Due to the interaction with the participants, the number is limited to a maximum of 12 people.

Learn BPMN Modeling
Structured Modeling: BPMN and Swimlanes - ever heard but never understood when and how to use the method? In this training we show and explain the modern possibilities of process modeling.

You are already an aiio customer and want to refresh your knowledge? New features seem interesting to you, but you need a more detailed introduction? We are happy to do that. In a three-hour online event, we will explain the aiio functions to you and clarify your open questions so that you can use aiio even better in the future.

Training bundle
The aiio training bundle includes 4 online trainings of 3 hours each. You can decide 100% flexibly which trainings from our training pool you would like to attend with which teams.

Process import by professionals
Time is money! You have already created processes in another system, but just don't have the capacity to transfer them to aiio at the moment? No problem! Our process experts will gladly take over the initial filling of your system, so that you have more time for the essentials!
Interested? Then write us a message with your ideas!
Please use our contact form if you want to book a training or process import with us. We are looking forward to your message.