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Press kit

Here you will find publishable information, pictures to download and current stories about aiio.

The most important thing beforehand

aiio GmbH is a software manufacturer from Magdeburg with a history rich in tradition. aiio GmbH was renamed in 2022 and was previously called Lintra plus GmbH. We currently produce two software products in the field of process management. Quam®, which has been established on the market for years, has been complemented by the completely newly developed software aiio® since 2022. The domain serves both as a product website for the software of the same name, aiio®, and as a company website.

Year established: 2007
aiio GmbH was renamed in 2022.
(formerly Lintra plus GmbH)

Medium-sized company
aiio GmbH employs more than 20 people at its Magdeburg site.

We develop process management software
aiio GmbH develops both the software of the same name, aiio®, and Quam®.

These companies are an excerpt from the more than 100 customers that aiio GmbH has been able to successfully help.

USPs: Why is our process management software different?

Slim & Cheap

aiio is a lean solution that costs only a fraction compared to competing products.

Hardly any implementation effort

With aiio, anyone can get started in 2 minutes. No call or installation effort is necessary. Simply register at and get started in your browser.

Easy to use

No expensive training, no boring manuals, but easy-to-understand user interfaces that we explain in short video tutorials.

Microsoft Teams Integration

aiio is 100% integrated into Microsoft 365. In addition to the web application, aiio can also be installed as a Teams App to always have aiio with you.

Current Stories

aiio is completely free for start-ups for one year.

We want to give young companies the opportunity to document their processes in a structured way right from the start and to improve them continuously.

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"Everyone is concerned with process visualisation. aiio is also concerned with the efficient utilisation of the knowledge of all people in a company through 'organisational crowd mining'. In this way, process management, which is still often perceived by many as a purely theoretical ivory tower topic, finally arrives where it belongs: with the people who move the company forward every day with their work."

Dr. Christian Graup, CEO of aiio GmbH

Questions and answers

Can aiio be cancelled on a monthly basis?

aiio can be paid monthly or annually. In the case of monthly payment, notice of termination can be given each month with effect from the following month.

Is aiio future-proof?

There are already big plans to expand aiio into the most comprehensive crowd mining platform. In addition, aiio is backed by an experienced team with over 20 years of experience in the software development market, which continues to be keen on new innovations. In short: yes.

Is aiio easy to learn?

aiio is directly integrated into the Microsoft 365 environment and therefore feels just like a genuine Microsoft product when used. The adaptation to aiio will therefore be very easy for users who already have experience in the Microsoft suite.

Can I install aiio on my own?

As a web application, aiio does not need to be installed and works immediately in the browser after registration. However, for more far-reaching company-specific adaptations, the help of our development team is needed.

Can I book training for my employees?

Yes, if required, we also offer training courses in which a team of our aiio experts explains all the finer points in an online or, on request, on-site workshop.

Is there reliable customer support

Our team is always ready to answer and solve questions and problems of any kind. In addition, we will build an online learning platform with a lot of help material explaining many aspects of using aiio in an understandable way. More information will follow shortly.

Press archive

aiio was successfully launched at the "Control 2022" trade fair in Stuttgart. The software presented led to a large crowd at the trade fair stand.

Your contact person

Kilian Schröder
Marketing & Communication

Contact me directly if you have any questions!

Do you have any questions about our company, our products or current stories? I would also be happy to provide you with additional image and text material.

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Leonard Köchli
Digital Marketing & Social Media

Contact me directly if you have any questions!

Do you have questions about our company, our products or current stories? I will be happy to provide you with additional images and text material.

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