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Medium-sized companies with a start-up vibe

About us

We are thinkers, doers and nerds. We love software, computers and sunsets. We have PhDs, university degrees and "diamond hands". We pay attention to details, to the environment and to enough lunch time. We make programmes, reports and memes. But most importantly, we work together. Soon with you too?

Our capabilities at a glance

Software Development


Working atmosphere

Patience at lunch

Meme quality

Our Management Team

Dr Christian Graup


Christian is not only one of the founders of aiio, but also provided the basic idea for the products "Quam" and "aiio": The digitalisation of management manuals at his former employer forms the "cornerstone" for Quam as well as for his PhD thesis; the evolution forms the basic building block for aiio. Christian is CEO of aiio GmbH as well as shareholder of our partner, Join GmbH.


Knut Köchli


Knut is one of the three founders of aiio and has been with the company from the beginning. With his degree in industrial engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, he worked as a tech consultant, among other things, before becoming self-employed in 2002 with his student buddy Christian. Knut is COO of aiio GmbH and also responsible for human resources.


Jobst von Heintze


Jobst joined aiio in 2020 and has ambitious goals for the company. He is our "sales genius" and at the same time also the "poet" behind our marketing philosophy. With experience in photography and filmography as well as in (web) design, he is also the all-purpose weapon in terms of web presence and content creation. Jobst has also been part of the aiio GmbH management team as CMO since May 2022.


Lars Bendler


Lars ist einer der drei Gründer von aiio und hat in den vergangenen Jahren als Geschäftsführer der Join GmbH das Großkundengeschäft entwickelt. Er hat darüber hinaus als Microsoft Compliance Councellor Expertenwissen in Microsoft 365. Er ist auch der CIO des 1. FC Magdeburg, den er ehrenamtlich unterstützt. Lars ist CPO – Chief Partner Office der aiio GmbH und da für das Enterprise- und Partner-Kundengeschäft verantwortlich.


David Lange

Product Manager

David joined aiio at the beginning of 2020 and since then he has been responsible for the improvement of the current product generation as well as the conceptual design of the new one as Product Manager. In addition, David is involved in sales meetings: Internally, the tandem of Jobst and David is known as "The David and Jobst Show".


Pierre Moser

Process expert

Pierre has gained experience in different industries in the topics of management systems, auditing and process management. With his experience he wants to help process management to become usable and inspiring for every company and every team. Through his trainings Pierre also wants to promote the successful implementation of process management together with our customers.


Michele Kahlo

Sales Representative

Michele's credo is: "Building customer relationships is more than just business - it's an art." With various years of experience in sales, Michele enriches the team with his expertise. He places particular emphasis on leaving the beaten track and constantly reinventing himself. He is responsible for building and maintaining customer relationships and implementing the sales philosophy.


Leonard Köchli

Social Media Manager

Leonard has been part of the aiio team as a working student since 2019 and is mainly involved in digital marketing. Initially only entrusted with the translation of website content, he now manages all social media presences and is also responsible for the creation of web content. Leonard is currently studying International Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship at the OVGU Magdeburg.


Robert Natho


Robert is a true home-grown: From 2009 to 2012, he himself was an IT specialist trainee here at aiio, today he is the in-house "Swiss army knife": Robert has years of experience in the software project business, is the lead developer for our Quam, our IT administrator AND also the trainer for our trainee Max - so the circle from trainee to trainer has closed.


Current jobs

Are you looking for a new challenge?

Are you impressed by this collection of attractive and competent people and would like to be a part of it yourself? Take a look below to see if there is a suitable position for you and send us your application! We would be delighted!

To our job advertisements

Our way of working
Vorn is where no one knows. We develop tomorrow's software, are creative and agile. We are innovative and unconventional.

Flat hierarchies
Hierarchies are created in the mind. And too much attention to etiquette simply wastes time. We are direct and not only here preferably on a first-name basis!

Vibe check passed
You can learn new things. We attach more importance to the fact that our team harmonises well than to special skills. We help, and we are international!

BPM Suite Quam

More than 10 years of experience with process management software

As aiio GmbH, we not only produce our software of the same name, aiio®, but have also had a premium BPMN 2.0 application on the market for more than a decade, Quam®. Quam relies on the Microsoft SharePoint Server as a basis and is therefore particularly suitable in the areas of critical infrastructure or defence, where important data may not be uploaded to the cloud.

aiio is a company of the Lintra Group

Lintra Logo - Aiio is part of the Lintra Group
Lintra is Micrsofot Gold Partner and Best in Cloud winner

Medium-sized companies with performance à la Silicon Valley

Since 2002 we have been dealing with process management and the modern organisation of tomorrow every day.

aiio GmbH is a spin-off of the Lintra Group and the product of the same name "aiio" is our newest and most advanced application. The Lintra Group is a Magdeburg technology holding company from which several subsidiaries and holdings have emerged.

Contact form

Do not hesitate, ask directly

Feel free to use our contact form. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

We work in the heart of Magdeburg