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Process management

Model and link processes with metadata and documents

Processes can be easily modeled in aiio and linked with metadata. Important process information can be obtained directly from the employees concerned via a digital interface. You can work either in the browser or conveniently in Microsoft Teams.

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Digital process recording

Recording processes has never been faster

Digital process recording in aiio
Classic methods

Processes are recorded up to 4x faster with aiio
With aiio, there is no need for a process manager to run from employee to employee to query processes, which are then stored in the system. With digital process recording, every employee can deposit their work in the system in just a few minutes.

SharePoint Online Integration

No duplicate document maintenance
Documents and records linked to processes are directly in SharePoint. All SharePoint document routing functions continue to work.

Display processes directly in SharePoint
Another advantage of direct integration is that processes can be included directly in SharePoint Online web pages.

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Artificial intelligence

Help is always available to you when improving processes!

Our ai-Copilot is available to all aiio users. With a single click, the content modeled in the process drawing is analyzed by our AI and suggestions for improvement are generated within seconds.

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Secure in the cloud

aiio relies on the market leader for cloud security. With Microsoft Azure, we can guarantee not only market-leading security but also high speed on all devices. Long waiting times are now a thing of the past.

Track tasks

Managing tasks has never been easier

In aiio, tasks can be assigned for process modeling or process approval. In clear representations it is visible how far and by whom tasks have already been processed.

Organisational chart

All departments, roles and employees at a glance

With aiio's organization chart, it's child's play to map organizational structures. You can create departments, assign responsible persons and employees to them, and even processes.

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Process maps

Clear paths, big goals: Process maps for the perfect overview

Clear paths and ambitious goals are critical to success. Process maps are powerful navigation tools that precisely outline the course. As visual roadmaps, they provide clear process overviews and show efficient paths.

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Qualitätsmanagementsysteme in wenigen Schritten meistern

Klar definierte Prozesse und ambitionierte Ziele sind der Weg zum Erfolg. Mit unseren Managementsystemen setzt du neue Maßstäbe in Effizienz und Qualität. Entdecke, wie einfach und schnell  Qualitätsmanagementprozesse optimiert und ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können.

aiio Academy

We help you get started

We have recorded a whole series of video tutorials to get you started with aiio. You will learn how to create processes, how to bring organizational charts to life and how easy communication can be.

To the video tutorials

With aiio Campus we will launch a video platform in which we will explain every detail of aiio.