How does process documentation work?
A process documentation is a document that describes how a process runs and which steps are required for it. It can be used in many areas, for example in industry, in the service sector or in administrations.
As a rule, process documentation should be as accurate and detailed as possible so that it is easy to understand and follow. It should also be kept up-to-date to ensure that it is still correct and meets current requirements.
To create process documentation, there are several steps that should be followed:

Define the goals and purpose of the documentation
Before you start creating the documentation, you should think about what your goal is and what it will be used for.
Analyze process
Next, one should analyze the process and write down all the steps that are necessary for its implementation. One should also consider the responsibilities and dependencies between the individual steps.
Create documentation
You can then create the documentation by describing the steps of the process in the correct order, using flowcharts or other visualizations as appropriate. It is advisable to also provide examples or instructions on how to perform the individual steps.
Review and update documentation
Finally, you should review the documentation and update it as necessary to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.
<span class="text-highlight-purple">Eine Prozessdokumentation kann dazu beitragen, dass ein Prozess effizienter und sicherer abläuft, da alle Beteiligten wissen, welche Schritte zu erledigen sind und wie sie auszuführen sind. Sie kann auch dazu beitragen, dass sich ein Prozess leichter überwachen und verbessern lässt.</span>
Process documentation example
Here is an example of process documentation that describes how a new product is developed in a company:
Aim and purpose of the documentation:
The process documentation should describe how a new product is developed in our company to ensure that the process is efficient and successful.
Process Analysis:
The product development process consists of the following steps:

- Idea generation: In this step, ideas for new products are collected and discussed.
- Concept development: The best concept is then selected and further developed.
- Prototyping: Then a prototype of the product is produced to test and improve it.
- Test and improve: The prototype is then tested and improved as necessary to ensure it meets requirements.
- Manufacturing: Once the product is finalized, it is put into manufacturing and produced in large quantities.
Create documentation:

- Objectives: Gathering ideas for new products to expand the portfolio and meet market needs.
- Responsibilities: Product management, sales, marketing
- Methods: Brainstorming, customer feedback, market analysis.
- Results: List of potential product ideas presented to management.

- Objectives: Selection of the best concept and further development to a viable business model.
- Responsibilities: Product management, development, finance
- Methods: SWOT analysis, financing plan, market research
- Results: Viable business model for the new product

- Objectives: Produce a prototype to test and improve the product.
- Responsibilities: Development, production
- Methods: 3D printing, manual prototyping
- Results: Functional prototype of the new product

- Objectives: Test the prototype to determine if it meets requirements and make improvements as necessary.
- Responsibilities: Development, quality management
- Methods: Functional testing, user feedback, failure analysis.
- Results: Improved prototype or finalized product that meets requirements.

- Objectives: Production of the new product in large quantities.
- Responsibilities: Production
- Methods: Automated manufacturing, manual manufacturing
- Results: Finished product that can be delivered to customers.
Review documentation:
- Objectives: Review process documentation to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.
- Responsibilities: Process owners, quality management
- Methods: Comparison with actual processes, feedback from process participants
- Results: Updated process documentation that corresponds to the processes actually performed.
Process documentation is crucial to ensure efficiency, transparency and control in companies. Clear records and descriptions of workflows enable processes to be better understood and improved. Documentation supports employees in their work, shortens the training period for new employees and contributes to quality assurance and risk minimization. Continuous updating of documentation is important to meet changing business requirements.